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How to download billing invoices
How to download billing invoices
Amelia Lim avatar
Written by Amelia Lim
Updated over a week ago

Managing your billing information is crucial for keeping track of your expenses and ensuring a smooth experience with our services. This guide will walk you through the steps to download your billing invoices easily.


Free Plan

If you were previously on a paid subscription but have switched to a free plan and need access to your past invoices, please reach out to our support team at support. We will assist you in retrieving your historical invoices.

Pro Plan

If you have a subscription to a Pro Plan, you can just follow the following steps to find your bills.

Team Plan
You can only access the invoices if you have either an Admin or a Billing role.

If you would like to have your information on the invoice changed or updated, please let our billing team know the details by contacting us on the contact page or on the intercom chat.

Downloading Billing Invoices

Step 1: Log in to Your Account and Navigate to the Billing Section

Start by logging in to your Tactiq account, and then navigate to the Billing page.

This is usually located in your dashboard or menu. Look for a tab or link related to Billing

Start by logging in to your Tactiq account, and then navigate to the Billing page.This is usually located in your dashboard or menu. Look for a tab or link related to Billing

Step 2: Access Invoice History

In the billing section, you will find a list or a tab labeled " View past Invoices". Click on this section to access your past invoices, it will lead you to either the Stripe or PayPal platform within the same tab.

In the billing section, you will find a list or a tab labeled " View past Invoices". Click on this section to access your past invoices.

Step 3: Select the Invoice

Find the specific invoice you want to download. In most cases, invoices are listed chronologically with details such as the date and amount due. Click on the invoice you wish to download. It will open up a new window, where you can either download or

Step 4: Download the Invoice

On the individual invoice page, you should see an option to either download the invoice or receipt.

Congratulations! You've successfully downloaded your billing invoice. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team or through our Intercom chat.

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