Keep your payment method up to date to ensure you can continue using Tactiq's transcription and meeting tools without interruption. Add a new payment method, set one as default, or remove outdated payment details to manage your account effectively. For example, if your card expires, you can add a new one to avoid any service disruptions.
Adding a payment method
Open the Tactiq dashboard and go to
Account & Settings
. ClickSettings
, then selectBilling
Billing Actions
, chooseUpdate billing details or payment method
. This will open the Stripe page.
On the Stripe page, go to
Payment Method
to view your saved payment details. ClickAdd Payment Method
, enter your card details, and clickAdd
to save it.
Managing your payment methods
To set a payment method as the default, click the three horizontal dots
next to it and selectMake default
To delete a payment method, click the three horizontal dots
next to it and selectDelete
For Tactiq Teams, only the Admin can manage payment methods.
Pro users within a Tactiq Team cannot update their payment method. Payment methods are managed at the team level by the Admin. If you need help, contact support.
Need help? Contact support.