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How to create an automatic workflow
How to create an automatic workflow

Learn how to set up an automatic workflow by defining trigger conditions and automating actions.

Rielee Velasco avatar
Written by Rielee Velasco
Updated over a week ago

Automatic workflows allow you to streamline tasks by setting predefined conditions that, when met, trigger actions without manual input.

This is useful for automating processes related to meetings, ensuring efficiency, and reducing repetitive tasks.

Creating an automatic workflow

To create an automatic workflow, follow these steps:

  • Create a new workflow or edit an existing workflow. The first step in the workflow setup is Start a workflow from a meeting.

  • Select the trigger type. To create an automatic workflow, choose Automatic.

  • Once Automatic is selected, you will have the option to add conditions that determine when the workflow will execute.

Setting conditions

Conditions are criteria that must be met for the automatic workflow to start. If the conditions are not met, the workflow will not trigger. You can choose from three available condition types:



Meeting title

  • Meeting title is: Enter the exact meeting title.

  • Meeting title contains: Enter a keyword, phrase, or characters that should be part of the meeting title.

Participant names

  • Includes: Specify a participant's name that must be present in the meeting.

  • Does not include: Specify a participant’s name that should not be present in the meeting.

Participant emails

  • Includes: Specify an email address that must be part of the meeting.

  • Does not include: Specify an email address that should not be part of the meeting.

Adding workflow steps

  • Once the conditions are set, proceed to add workflow steps.

  • Choose actions from the available options for workflow automation.

The workflow will automatically trigger without requiring manual intervention if all conditions are met. See the example below.

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