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How to manage domain-based team access in the Team Plan

Learn how to configure domain-based access for new team members in the Team Plan.

Rielee Velasco avatar
Written by Rielee Velasco
Updated over 2 months ago

Managing team access based on email domains allows you to control how new members join your team while ensuring a seamless onboarding experience. In the Team Plan, you can specify certain domains and decide whether new members:

  • Must be invited manually (Invitation only).

  • Are prompted to join the team (Discoverable and open to anyone with a certain domain).

  • Join automatically without needing confirmation (Discoverable and automatic for anyone with a certain domain).

This helps organizations streamline access while maintaining control over who joins their team.

How to configure domain-based access

  • Go to the Tactiq Dashboard then click on Account & Settings. Navigate to Settings > Team tab.

  • Under Team sign-up mode, select one of the following options:

    • Invitation only

    • Discoverable and open to anyone with a certain domain

    • Discoverable and automatic for anyone with a certain domain

Team sign-up mode

How it works

Invitation only

  • New members must be invited before they can join the team.

  • No domain-based automatic or discoverable access applies.

  • This setting is ideal for organizations that want full control over who joins.

Discoverable and open to anyone with a certain domain

  • New users with an email from the specified domain will be prompted to join the team.

  • They must manually accept the invitation before being added to the team.

  • This is useful if you want domain-based access but still require a confirmation step.

Discoverable and automatic for anyone with a certain domain

  • New users with an email from the specified domain will automatically be added to the team.

  • They will not receive a prompt or confirmation request.

  • This is ideal for organizations that want seamless onboarding for users with an approved domain.

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